September 29, 2009

Two Tea Green Leaf On World

Green Twisted Spears Tea

From the hills of Sri Lanka, these gorgeous hand-twisted "spears" of young tea buds slowly unfurl into a stunning cup of medium-bodied, buttery green tea. These leaves can be re-steeped many times, with each cup just as lovely as the previous
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gambar,cowok,agnes monica,putri,dian sastro,nafa urbach,artis

Boulder Blues Tea

This blend of fine Japanese Sencha and high grade Chinese Dragonwell combine to create a rich yet refreshing base, while wild strawberries and rhubarb flavors add a subtle twist. This tea yields a bright liquor with a luxurious aroma and brisk, vivid flavor. The ideal accompaniment to dark chocolate.
artis,artis telanjang,cewek,indobugil,bokep,gadis,foto telanjang,cewek telanjang,gambar telanjang,17gadis,artis indonesia telanjang,gadis telanjang,siswi,foto artis,kamera tersembunyi,berjilbab,mahasiswi,kiki amalia,ayu azhari,cantik,dewasa,sensasi,nakal,syaharani,jilbab,panas,selebritis
gambar,cowok,agnes monica,putri,dian sastro,nafa urbach,artis

September 26, 2009

Green Tea Layer Cake

"This cake is good enough for breakfast and lunch anyway."
"This is a light and moist cake that is not too sweet and has a refreshing green tea fragrance. The frosting uses cream cheese but has enough sweetness to mask the sour taste. The matcha (green tea) powder gives it a delicate green hue too. This cake can also be baked as a sheet cake in a 9x 13 inch pan or as 2 separate round cakes in two 8 inch round pans. Adjust baking time accordingly."

Original recipe yield 1 - 2 layer 9 inch cake

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup cake flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 teaspoons powdered green tea
  • 1 1/4 cups white sugar
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 cups confectioners' sugar
  • 2 teaspoons powdered green tea
  • 2 tablespoons butter, softened
  • 1 (3 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons milk
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour 2 - 9 inch round pans. Sift together the all-purpose flour, cake flour, baking soda, salt, and green tea powder; set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, beat together sugar, oil, and eggs until smooth. Stir in 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla. Beat in the flour mixture alternately with the yogurt, mixing just until incorporated. Pour batter into prepared pans.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool on wire rack for 30 minutes before turning out of the pans.
  4. To make Green Tea Frosting: Sift together confectioners' sugar and green tea powder. In a medium bowl, combine tea mixture with butter, cream cheese, vanilla and milk. Beat with an electric mixer until smooth.
  5. To assemble the cakes: when the cakes are completely cooled, put one layer on a flat serving plate. Spread a thin layer of frosting over it. Place the other layer of cake on top, and spread frosting to cover the top and sides of cake. Dust with green tea powder if desired. Serve cold or at room temperature.

Optional: 1 cup of adzuki beans (small red beans), soaked overnight and boiled until tender, can be folded into batter before it is put into the pans. Pat dry and allow to cool before use.

September 21, 2009

Green Tea, Blueberry, and Banana Smoothies

This nutritious beverage is a healthful snack or breakfast on the go.

  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 1 bag green tea
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen blueberries
  • 1/2 medium banana
  • 3/4 cup calcium-fortified light vanilla soymilk

  1. In a small glass measuring cup or bowl, microwave water on high until steaming hot. Add the tea bag and allow to brew for 3 minutes. Remove the tea bag. Stir the honey into the tea until it dissolves.
  2. In a blender with ice-crushing ability, combine the berries, banana, and soymilk.
  3. Add the tea to the blender. Blend ingredients on ice crush or the highest setting until smooth. (Some blenders may require additional water to process the mixture.) Pour the smoothie into tall glasses and serve.
Since it's easier to prepare 2 at one time, just store the extra in a closed glass jar in the refrigerator. You can transport this smoothie to work with you to enjoy for a snack. If stored several hours in a thermos, shake vigorously before pouring. The smoothie will be tasty but thinner than when freshly made.

Green Tea with Mint

Green tea breakthrough African

Anyone who has visited Western African will associate Gunpowder Tea with mid-day breaks and after-dinner visits. Gunpowder Tea is Chinese green tea named for the way the tea leaves are rolled into small pellets, which look like old-fashioned gunpowder. The Chinese call it zucha (pearl) tea for the same reason. Rolling the tea leaves helps preserve the flavor; a desirable quality considering the tea's journey from Asia to Africa. Some Chinese green teas, called Moroccan-style Tea or Moroccan Mint Tea, come with mint already mixed in.
gunpower tea from china

What you need

* Gunpowder tea (or any green tea), one teaspoon for each cup
* cold water
* fresh mint leaves
* sugar to taste

What you do

* Bring the water to a near boil in a teakettle or saucepan (n.b., don't use water that has been boiling for any length of time). Pour the water into a teapot and add the tea, and then the mint leaves. Allow to the tea to steep only a few minutes. (Green teas should not be steeped as long as black teas.) Pour the tea through a strainer or use a tea infuser to separate the tea leaves from the tea..
* Serve immediately, with lots of sugar. The Western African style of serving involves holding the tea pot high above the table and pouring the hot tea at least twelve inches through the air into small glasses. (Glasses made of glass, not porcelain cups.) If the sugar is added to the pot, the tea is sometimes poured from the glasses back into the pot (before anyone has sipped) and the process is repeated. This mixes the sugar into the tea. Western Africans generally drink their tea very sweet.
* Serve with dishes from Western Africa.

Depending on whether you are British or not, you may wish to make an iced-tea beverage. (Iced green tea is very good, though this is not the African way). The best way to make iced-tea is to follow this recipe and then pour the hot tea over enough ice to chill it thoroughly (do not use a glass pitcher: the suddenly changing temperature could shatter it), then place the iced tea in the refrigerator. Placing hot tea in the refrigerator without icing it first will make the tea cloudy.

In and around Senegal, tea is prepared and presented in an elaborate process known by the Wolof word, attaya or ataaya.

September 18, 2009

Bangkitkan gairah seks lewat afrodisiak alami

Afrodisiak adalah makanan, obat, atau aroma yang memiliki khasiat untuk membangkitkan libido.

Tak perlu susah-susah mencari afrodisiak, karena alam telah menyediakannya. Baik dalam bentuk sayuran, buah-buahan, kacang-kacangan hingga biji-bijian, sumber afrodisiak alami tersebut telah turut berpartisipasi dalam meningkatnya gairah seksual seseorang.

Seledri dikenal mengandung androsterone. Ini adalah sejenis hormon yang dapat menstimulasi gairah seks pada wanita. Sayuran lain seperti wortel dan bawang juga memiliki reputasi sebagai afrodisiak, namun masih belum ada penelitian ilmiah tentang keduanya,

Pada buah-buahan, urutan teratas ditempati oleh buah pisang dengan kandungan mineral dan enzim bromelain-nya. Kedua zat itu dipercaya bisa membangkitkan gairah seks pada pria.

Dengan bijinya yang melimpah buah delima sering dianggap sebagai symbol kesuburan dalam kebudayaan Cina. Sedangkan buah persik sering dilambangkan sebagai symbol godaan. Mungkin karena bentuknya yang seperti pinggul wanita.

Pada kacang-kacangan yang paling popular adalah kacang gingko. Jenis kacang yang satu ini berkhasiat untuk memperlancar sirkulasi darah sehingga libido pun turut naik.

Biji-bijian seperti gandum yang biasa disantap saat sarapan konon juga memiliki efek bagus di ranjang. Karena gandum dapat membantu mengeluarkan hormon testorone pada pria yang akan meningkatkan libido.

Sedangkan rempah-rempah, selain untuk membumbui masakan juga bisa dipakai sebagai bumbu dalam hubungan seks. Daun basil, cardamom, cengkeh, bawang putih, jahe, ginseng, merica adalah beberapa contohnya.

Banyak pilihan bukan? Apapun jenis afrodisiak yang anda pilih, anda harus meyakininya. Karena bagaimanapun juga, faktor psikologis sangat berperan penting dalam hubungan seksual.

September 15, 2009

Lazy Reflect When Fasting Month

Fasting Month and Feel Lazy or Sleepy?

September 11, 2009

Green Tea Chocolate Ball Recipe

This is a simply recipe to make green tea chocolate balls, using white chocolate. The sweetness of white chocolate is well-balanced by the bitterness of green tea powder. These green tea chocolate balls can be nice gifts on Valentine's Day.

Japanese Sweets

* 1/2 lb. white chocolate, finely chopped
* 2 tsp green tea powder (maccha)
* 1 Tbsp milk
* 1/4 cup heavy cream
* *green tea powder for coating

Finely chop white chocolate and put them in a medium bowl. Put 2 tsp of green tea powder in a small bowl. Warm milk in microwave and pour over green tea powder. Stir well. Put heavy cream in a small pan. Heat the cream on medium heat and stop the heat before cream starts to boil. Stir in the milk mixture. Pour the hot cream over white chocolate. Melt the chocolate, stirring well. Cool the chocolate mixture for about one hour in the room temperature. Scoop the chocolate into about 1 1/2 inch balls and place them on a sheet of aluminium foil. Cool them in the refrigerator for about one hour, or until firm. Round chocolate balls by hands and coat with green tea powder on a tray. Cool green tea chocolate balls until firm.

*Makes 12 balls

September 01, 2009

Relaxation Supreme Tips

1).Music Relaxation: Music and Stress Management
With all the ways music affects your body, you can probably already clearly see how music can be used as an effective relaxation and stress management tool. In addition to the many physical changes that music can bring, music is especially helpful in relaxation and stress management because it can be used in the following ways:

**Music and Physical Relaxation: Music can promote relaxation of tense muscles, enabling you to easily release some of the tension you carry from a stressful day (or week).

**Music as an Aid in Stress Relief Activities: Music can help you get ‘into the zone’ when practicing yoga, self hypnosis or guided imagery, can help you feel energized when exercising, help dissolve the stress when you’re soaking in the tub, and be a helpful part of many other stress relief activities. It can take an effective stress reliever and make it even more effective!

**Music and a Meditative State: As mentioned before, music can help your brain get into a meditative state, which carries wonderful stress relief benefits with it. For those who find intimidating, music can be an easier alternative.

**Music to Promote a Positive Focus: Music, especially upbeat tunes, can take your mind off what stresses you, and help you feel more optimistic and positive. This helps release stress and can even help you keep from getting as stressed over life’s little frustrations in the future.

**Music and Affirmations: The way you see the world and the type of self talk you habitually use can also have a profound effect on your stress level, which is why positive affirmations that create more positive self talk are so helpful. Music that has affirming lyrics can bring the double benefit of music and positive affirmations, helping you to surround yourself with positive energy and more often look on the bright side, letting stressful events more easily roll off your back.

2).Power Napping for Increased Productivity, Stress Relief & Health

Why A Power Nap? Facts on Sleep:
While small children typically take naps in the afternoon, our culture generally frowns upon mid-day sleep; however, even in those who get enough sleep (but particularly in those who don’t), many people experience a natural increase in drowsiness in the afternoon, about 8 hours after waking. And research shows that you can make yourself more alert reduce stress and improve cognitive functioning with a nap. Mid-day sleep, or a ‘power nap’, means more patience, less stress, better reaction time, increased learning, more efficiency and better health. Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of sleep and how a power nap can help you!

How Much Sleep Do You Need? The body needs 7-8 hours of sleep per day; 6 hours or less triples your risk of a car accident. (Interestingly, too much sleep--more than 9 hours--can actuallybe harmful for your health; recent studies show that those who sleep more than 9 hours per day don’t live as long as their 8-hour-sleep counterparts!)

The Effects of Missed Sleep: Sleep is cumulative; if you lose sleep one day, you feel it the next. If you miss adequate sleep several days in a row, you build up a ‘sleep deficit’, which impairs the following:

  • Reaction time
  • Judgment
  • Vision
  • Information processing
  • Short-term memory
  • Performance
  • Motivation
  • Vigilance
  • Patience
Fatigued people also experience more moodiness, aggressive behaviors, burnout and more stress.

The Benefit of a Power Nap: Studies show that 20 minutes of sleep in the afternoon provides more rest than 20 minutes more sleep in the morning (though the last two hours of morning sleep have special benefits of their own). The body seems to be designed for this, as most people’s bodies naturally become more tired in the afternoon, about 8 hours after we wake up.

How Long Should I Sleep? When you sleep you pass through different stages of sleep, known together as a sleep cycle. These stages include light sleep, deep sleep (which is believed to be the stage in which the body repairs itself), and rapid-eye movement sleep, or REM sleep (during which the mind is repaired).

Many experts advise to keep the nap between 15 and 30 minutes, as sleeping longer gets you into deeper stages of sleep, from which it’s more difficult to awaken. Also, longer naps can make it more difficult to fall asleep at night, especially if your sleep deficit is relatively small. However, research has shown that a 1-hour nap has many more restorative effects than a 30-minute nap, including a much greater improvement in cognitive functioning. The key to taking a longer nap is to get a sense of how long your sleep cycles are, and try to awaken at the end of a sleep cycle. (It’s actually more the interruption of the sleep cycle that makes you groggy, rather than the deeper states of sleep.)

As there are pros and cons to each length of sleep, you may want to let your schedule decide: if you only have 15 minutes to spare, take them! But if you could work in an hour nap, you may do well to complete a whole sleep cycle, even if it means less sleep at night. If you only have 5 minutes to spare, just close your eyes; even a brief rest has the benefit of reducing stress and helping you relax a little, which can give you more energy to complete the tasks of your day.

Tips For a More Effective Nap If you want to obtain more sleep, and the health benefits that go with getting enough sleep, here are some tips for more effective napping and sleep at night:

  • Avoid caffeine after 3pm. It’s a stimulant that can disrupt your sleep and stay in your system longer than you think; its half-life is four to six hours!
  • If you don’t want to nap a long time, set an alarm.
  • If you don’t have time for a power nap, or don’t feel comfortable napping during the day, try meditation; it gives your body a rest and produces slower brain waves similar to sleep.