July 24, 2013

10 Quick Ways to lengthen the hair Naturally

Hair is the crown for anyone. Particularly for women. Taste each orng haircut was definitely different, but the choice of long hair has never lost a fan. Moreover, the length of one's hair can freely give a touch of style to their hair. Primarily women, hair is an interesting display and certainly gives the impression feminine for them. However memenjangkan hair also is not easy.

When someone wants to lengthen the hair, will be aa lot of hair damage are coming. Such as hair loss, dandruff, split ends and also other things that may require us to cut the hair short again. Therefore many people who want long hair but in a very short period of time. Nevertheless it remains a difficult thing to lengthen the hair without much trouble. HOW quickly how to lengthen your hair?

Here are 10 Quick Ways to lengthen the hair Naturally

1. Olive Oil
Since ancient times, olive oil has been appointed as an ingredient for hair care. Our ancestors used to use it not only to smooth the hair, but also can improve the process of rapid growth of hair. How to use olive oil, drop 4 to 5 drops of olive oil after shampooing, then massage the scalp. Let stand overnight so that the content of the olive oil on the scalp is absorbed. In the morning, do not forget to wash your hair thoroughly.

2. Green tea
Green tea is one of the natural material to lengthen hair. Has a high content of antioxidants in green tea dapatmembuat blood circulation to the hair to be much better than before. In addition, green tea also serves to make the hair growth faster and healthier. The natural way is to use green tea, then smeared on the scalp and the hair. Kemundian wrap hair using a towel, then after 20 minutes rinse thoroughly.

3. Coconut milk
Milk can not entrust that to extend. This is one of the most popular techniques used to promote hair growth. With treatment using this method, the hair will be soft and shiny. When done regularly, it can be seen significant results in hair growth. Perform this process three to four times a week. Apply 300 to 500 ml of coconut milk into the scalp and hair. Cover hair with a warm towel and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes, rinse with cold water.

4. Apple Leather
Apple skin has several basic vitamins that can increase blood circulation to the scalp. When the circulation goes well, it will affect both the growth to lengthen hair. The polyphenol-rich fruit can combat hair loss problems. Apple peels can make the hair more healthy and nutritious. How to treat them, puree apple skin, then apply on the hair. Let stand for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

5. White
One of the best ways to lengthen hair you can try yourself at home. Provide three eggs, take the whites, and beat until blended. Apply to the hair with a massage, then let stand 5-10 minutes. Nutrients in the egg to seep into the hair, making it stronger and healthier. Healthy hair is rich in vitamins most powerful trick to speed up hair growth.

6. Increase consumption of water
Drinking 8 glasses of water a day can not only make your body fitter, but also activates the cells in the accelerates hair growth. The stronger the network in the hair, the fertility is also maintained.

7. Consumption of protein
Useful protein to meet the nutritional needs essential for hair growth. In order to grow hair fast, meet your protein needs by eating red meat, chicken, fish, legumes, dairy products, and eggs.

8. Vitamin B
To stay healthy and fertile, your hair also needs vitamin B. Without adequate intake of vitamin B, the hair will be dry, brittle, and cracked. Take a multivitamin containing vitamin B, which is also found in bananas and pepper.

9. Hot oil scalp massage
Some beauty salons and spas are now providing care scalp massage with special oils. Warmth seeped into the scalp to stimulate hair growth and health. Maintained healthy hair will be easier to grow.

10. Reduce blow-dry
Blow-dry hair it can dry out quickly, especially if you're in a hurry. But if the hair is exposed to too much hot air from a hair-dryer, can lead to dry hair and broken. In order to remain healthy hair, dry hair in a natural way, aerated in the air or use a hair-dryer in the distance is not too close and not too hot temperatures.

Thank you for reading 10 Quick Ways Natural lengthen your hair. Hopefully the above article can help you have a long hair beautiful and shiny.

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