October 03, 2011

Dermology ?

Green Tea : What is dermology ?

Dermology is the term that derm happen. This term conduct to the skin cancer which has increased 1 million each year ( based on American Academy of Dermatology/AAD ). Based on research, dermology which also called dermatology, happen cause melanoma which many American people has, 1 from 84 people suffer from this thing.green tea

Many of this skin cancer happen cause expose of the sunray repeatedly. (Cancer Epidemiological Biomarkers and Prevention, September 2008, page 2388–2392; Dermatology, February 2008, page 124–136; American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, May-June 2000, page 167–179 ).

Today, it still discuss how melanoma exist cause sunray expose to the skin. Although it's clearly ,skin cancer caused by repeatedly sunray hit the skin.

An article from Journal of Epidemiology (Desember 1999, Suplemen, page 7–13)copnclude that " Skin cancer is usually happen to human being. Although there is three skin cancer type :karsinoma sel basal, karsinoma sel skuamosa, and melanoma. Melanoma is the highest rate happen on human skin causesd by the sunray expose."

Many companies try to reduce even eliminate this melanoma. Many skin care treatment is taken and research along the way. But if O3 or ozone is missing, that's human being really need to worry about.
green tea

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