January 07, 2010

Pomegranate green tea benefits

Pomegranate green tea
is becoming quite popular.

Pomegranate concentrate and pomegranate juice is actually added to the base tea to create this refreshing drink. It can be served hot or cold, but most people prefer it as an iced tea.

There are many pomegranate health benefits, and drinking it as an iced tea is a great way to get all these benefits.

Pomegranate Green Tea Health Benefits

Here are the top pomegranate health benefits.
  • Pomegranates are High in Vitamin C
  • Pomegranates are an Antioxidant
  • Pomegranates Contains B Vitamins
  • Pomegranates Destroys Free Radicals
  • Pomegranates Contains Beta Carotene
  • Pomegranates are Used to Treat Heart Disease
How to Make Pomegranate Tea

Making pomegranate infused tea is simple. Just brew up your favorite tea, green, black or white. Sweeten the tea while it is hot and then let it cool as you would foriced tea.

Now get some concentrated pomegranate juice and add it to the iced tea prior to serving.

It will be delicious and your friends and family will love it.

1 comment:

  1. Green tea on it's own has a nice flavor but adding pomegranate adds a nice rich tart flavor. Pomegranates are an Antioxidant.


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