November 27, 2011

Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea

Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea

Benefits of drinking green tea is better than some any other drinking in the world. Maybe we has often heard many benefits of drinking green tea, but uniquely there are more benefits of green tea which little people know. Unique benefits of green tea is as below, may be these benefits never think before :

  1. Cleaning carpet
Spread green tea leaf on carpet. Let green tea leaf absorbed in 10 minutes, then vacum carpet area. Amaze with result J

  1. Smoothing wooden floor
Black tea can help smooth and give colour on hard wooden floor. Clean floor as usual, then scrub slowly water absorbed tea on the floor. Do not use too much water on wooden floor. Let tea dry itself.

  1. Cleaning mirror and window
Tea is very powerful to eliminate bad spot like our hand mark on at window and also make window shine. Rub moist tea pocket on glasses or spray tea water through spray bottle to clean it up.

  1. Cleaning spot in toilet
Many people said that cleaning toilet was difficult to do. Try put tea leaf into toilet during a couple of hours, then clean toilet with water. Then rub dirty base toilet.

Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea

Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea

Benefits of drinking green tea is better than some any other drinking in the world. Maybe we has often heard many benefits of drinking green tea, but uniquely there are more benefits of green tea which little people know. Unique benefits of green tea is as below, may be these benefits never think before :

  1. Cleaning carpet
Spread green tea leaf on carpet. Let green tea leaf absorbed in 10 minutes, then vacum carpet area. Amaze with result J

  1. Smoothing wooden floor
Black tea can help smooth and give colour on hard wooden floor. Clean floor as usual, then scrub slowly water absorbed tea on the floor. Do not use too much water on wooden floor. Let tea dry itself.

  1. Cleaning mirror and window
Tea is very powerful to eliminate bad spot like our hand mark on at window and also make window shine. Rub moist tea pocket on glasses or spray tea water through spray bottle to clean it up.

  1. Cleaning spot in toilet
Many people said that cleaning toilet was difficult to do. Try put tea leaf into toilet during a couple of hours, then clean toilet with water. Then rub dirty base toilet.

Is Green Tea Good For You ?

Is Green Tea Good For You ?

Green tea has grown in popularity in recent years as a mild alternative to coffee and strong teas, as well as for its healing qualities. Traditional medicinal uses of green tea in India and China include drinking it as a stimulant and diuretic, to heal wounds, for heart health, as a digestion aid and for mental clarity.

In facts, our bodies produce free radicals---unstable molecules or oxidants---that "damage cell proteins and genetic material," making the body "vulnerable to cancer," refer to the National Cancer Institute.
Green tea's detoxifying properties have links to weight reduction and fat burning, and they can fight bacteria, liver disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Drink two to three cups of green tea per day for the recommended amount of polyphenols, or take 100 to 750 mg of green tea extract. Choose decaffeinated products if you prefer to avoid the buzz. It can make healthy for our body.

November 25, 2011

Rusuh Batam Unjuk Rasa Demi UMK = KHL

Rusuh di Batam terjadi akibat ada hal yang memicu timbulnya bentrok antar pekerja dan polisi. Para pekerja tampaknya pantang menyerah karena polisi sengaja melakukan tembakan kepada pekerja. Berikut kronologis kejadian penembakan tersebut :

 1. turun hujan lebat (sekitar jam 15.10).
 2. buruh terutama garmet menepi dan berteduh dihadapan pasukan huru-hara.
 3. karena rapat terjadi gesekan dengan PHH.
 4. Satu orang PHH memukul garmet dengan pentungan karet.
 5. terjadi debat dengan polisi.
 6. massa dibelakang tak bisa terima langsung melemparkan batu.
 7. karena kondisi sudah tak terkendali PHH menembakkan gas air mata dan peluru karet secara membabi buta.
 8. terbukti yang terkena tembakan kawan-kawan yang berada di atas mobil orasi, sehingga kawan yang melakukan  orasi terkena tembakan (Bung Yoni, Bung Prapto, Bung Gagan,  ... ) -- dipercaya memamang dibidik karena mereka dipandang sebagai otaknya -- yang berada dibawah (Bung Aris, Bung Afdi, Bung Salimun dan Bung Aji ... luka lemparan batu di kepala) data per 21.00.
 9. bahkan dilantai 2 ada kawan kita wanita yang terkena pukul oleh satpol PP untung saja bisa diselamatkan oleh Garmet.
 10. massa yang sudah tidak kondusif semakin beringas melempar batu-batu terutama batu paving block dasar lantai gedung pemko.
 11. massa melampiaskan kemarahannya dengan merusak fasilitas umum milik pemerintah, seperti lampu taman, rambu-rambu lalin, mobil yang terparkir di pemko.
 12. suasana kembali terkendali sekitar jam 6 tapi massa menuntut untuk dikeluarkannya kawan yang terluka di dalam.
 13. Bung Yoni diutus untuk menjemput ke dalam.

Persiapan aksi hari Rabu 23 Nov 2011:

01. Rencana aksi mulai jam 5.30 pagi.
02. Realisasi di lapangan jam 5.45 pagi.
03. Mulai agak banyak kawan datang 6.00
04. Jam 6.05 mulai aksi blokir jalan dengan memarkir motor ditengah jalan secara sembarangan.
05. Jam 6.30 satu jalur dari arah Batuaji bisa terblokir.
06. Jam 6.40 jalur sebaliknya sudah terblock.
07. Jam 10.00 kita lepaskan blokir dan bergerak menuju Kantor Walikota.
08. Sebagian kawan-kawan wanita kita dilindungi garda metal melakukan long march.

Para buruh mari bersatu untuk mewujudkan UMK = KHL ,dasar para pejabat korup !!! ,buruh udah mati-matian bekerja, tanpa jamsostek, dan kesejahteraan yang layak.

November 17, 2011

Benefit Of Tea As Longer Living

Benefit Of Tea As Longer Living
Benefit of tea as extend live to human has been done in Norwegia. The study shown
that who drink tea in a cup a day minimum will reduce death risk significantly. Another
research with old human in Netherland shown death risk decrease just because drink tea


This thing has been proof by Chinese who has 100 years live. Chinese mention that green
tea (camelia sinensis) has been drunk since 2700 years BC at Shen Nung Dynasty ,but
noted in ancient dictionary at 350 years BC. Since 200 years BC in medicine plant book
of China mentioned which tea leaf can be used as toxic eliminator.

In Japan, drinking tea tradition was come from China during 6th century. After that, green
tea been known useful for health and be used sailor for long journey.

Tea component contain is antioxidant. From seven component , there are important
component (polyphenol type) from catechin group which powerful antioxidant :

1) epigallocatechin-3 gallat (EGCG),

2) epigallocatechin (EGC),

3) epicatechin-3 gallat (ECG).

EGCG is very powerful ,100 times vitamin C and 25 times vitamin E. Polyphenol is easy
mix in the water including flavonoid group which included in fruits, vegetables, coffee,
chocolate and grapes.

Information Of Tea

Information Of Tea

Many information of tea exposed after the breakthrouhg of healthy benefit of tea.
Actually information of tea about benefit is so many ,some of them unique and the most
important to human body.

Some benefits of tea are keep colesterol in standar amount, avoid cancer, and reduce high
pressure blood ,reduce stroke risk and many liver disease, etc

After that, bioflavonoid of tea can strengthen digestive system. Green tea has been known
contain epigallocatechin gallate. It was known to barrier from carcinogen material.

To get exclusive antioxidant from green tea, we can drink 2 ~ 3 cup a day (contain 240 ~
320 mg polyphenol).

The way to drink tea

1. Take one spoon green tea (10 gr), put into one litre boiled water, close tightly and
let 5 ~ 10 minutes then ready to drink.
2. Drink green tea 3 ~ 5 cup consistently a day (recommend)

Advantages Of Tea Inside

Advantages Of Tea Inside

Advantages of tea has been known for thousand years ago. In science research, found that
advantages of tea to human body. Because, tea has important chemical material which
useful to human body.


Advantages of tea chemical function :

1. Catechin
• Reducing colesterol
• Reduce blodd pressure and sugar in blood
• Anti cancer, anti mutant factor
• Help kidney avoid kidney stone

2. Polyphenol
• Smoothen digestion
• Antioxidant
• Reducing fat

3. Caffeine
• Stimulate nerve center
• Smoothen blood circulation
• Increase concentration

4. Esence oil
• Smoothen digestion
• Tea aroma source

5. Flavanols
• Strengthen blood vessel

6. Fluoride
• Avoid teeths damage

7. Vitamin C
• Avoid influenza
• Reduce stress
• Reduce high pressure blood
• Antioxidant
• Avoid cataract

8. Vitamin E
• Avoid early aging
• Reduce heart attack
• Avoid fat emerge in blood vessel

9. Vitamin B complects
• Help carbohydrate metabolism

10. Monocitrate
• Avoid mouth smell

11. Chloropil
• For mouth aromatic

November 14, 2011

Khasiat Teh Hijau Untuk Lebih Muda

Khasiat Teh Hijau Untuk Lebih Muda

Khasiat teh hijau tidak hanya digunakan sebagai pengobatan dan minuman segar. Tapi telah banyak penelitian tentang teh hijau itu sendiri.

Studi di Norwegia menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang rajin minum teh minimal secangkir sehari akan dapat menekan angka kematian. Penelitian lainnya dengan subjek manusia usia lanjut (manula) di Belanda menghasilkan temuan bahwa risiko kematian akibat penyakit jantung menurun seiring dengan kebiasaan minum teh.

Banyak studi seperti yang dilakukan di Norwegia selain juga di Jepang ,China. Tapi rahasia terbesar teh hijau adalah sifat antioksidan yang berasal dari zat terpenting jenis polyphenol dari kelompok catechin dalam teh yang berperan sebagai antioksidan kuat, yaitu : 

1) epigallocatechin-3 gallat (EGCG),

2) epigallocatechin (EGC),

3) epicatechin-3 gallat (ECG).

EGCG adalah yang paling kuat, 100 kali vitamin C dan 25 kali vitamin E. Polyphenol yang mudah larut dalam air ini termasuk gugusan kelompok flavonoid yang biasanya terdapat dalam buah-buahan, sayuran, kopi, coklat dan anggur. 

Radikal bebas sendiri terbentuk secara alami dalam tubuh. Molekul ini dapat merusak sel-sel manusia. Orang menduga bahwa molekul inilah salah satu penyebab kanker, termasuk berbagai jenis penyakit lain seperti penyakit jantung dan penuaan.

Kandungan senyawa polifenol yang sangat banyak dalam teh hijau berperan sebagai pelindung terhadap kanker. Polifenol tergolong dalam antioksidan yang sangat ampuh. Senyawa ini akan menetralkan radikal bebas yang menjadi penyebab kanker tersebut.

Teh Hijau Manfaat Unik

Teh Hijau Manfaat Unik
Teh hijau tidak hanya digunakan sebagai minuman saja. Ternyata masih banyak manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari the hijau itu sendiri.

1. Membersihkan karpet
Taburkan daun teh hijau yang sudah dipakai pada karpet. Biarkan meresap selama 10 menit, lalu bersihkan area karpet. Jenis karpet persia dan oriental yang lembut juga dapat dibersihkan menggunakan daun teh hijau. Pada jenis karpet ini, taburkan daun teh yang sudah hampir mengering, lalu perlahan sapu permukaan karpet.

2 . Mengilapkan lantai kayu
Teh hitam dapat membantu mengilapkan dan memberi warna pada lantai kayu keras. Bersihkan lantai seperti biasa, lalu gosok perlahan teh yang telah diseduh ke lantai. Jangan menggunakan terlalu banyak air pada lantai kayu yang keras seperti ini. Setelah itu biarkan kering sendiri.

3. Mengilapkan perabotan kayu
Teh juga bermanfaat dalam membersihkan serta mengilapkan perabotan kayu yang dipernis. Celupkan kain yang lembut ke dalam sedikit teh yang telah diseduh untuk mengelap perabotan seperti meja, kursi, dan lainnya.

4. Membersihkan cermin dan jendela
Teh ampuh untuk menghilangkan noda membandel seperti cap tangan kita di jendela serta membuatnya kembali mengilap. Cukup gosokkan kantong teh yang lembab pada kaca, atau  semprotkan seduhan teh melalui botol semprot untuk membersihkannya.

5. Membersihkan noda di toilet
Banyak yang  mengatakan bahwa daun teh dapat menghilangkan kotoran yang susah dibersihkan di dasar toilet. Coba masukkan daun teh ke dalam toilet selama beberapa jam, lalu gelontor toilet dengan air. Setelah itu sikat cekungan dasar toilet yang kotor.

6. Melindungi dari sinar matahari
Untuk memulihkan kulit yang terbakar sinar matahari, tempelkan kantong teh basah pada area yang terbakar.

Semoga berguna J

Manfaat Teh Hijau Bagi Kecantikan Mahkota Wanita

Manfaat Teh Hijau Bagi Kecantikan Mahkota Wanita

Manfaat teh hijau tidak hanya bermanfaat untuk kesehatan, manfaat teh hijau ternyata juga berguna untuk kecantikan. Beberapa perusahaan kosmetik kini telah memanfaatkan teh hijau sebagai ekstrak untuk produk-produk mereka.

Ternyata teh hijau dapat menyehatkan bagian mahkota wanita yaitu rambut.

Caranya sebagai berikut:

1.Melembutkan rambut

Buat seduhan teh hijau sebanyak 2 cangkir menggunakan air mendidih, biarkan beberapa lama sampai dingin. Setelah itu basuhkan secara merata dan biarkan mengering kemudian sisir sepeti biasa, tidak perrlu di bilas. Lakukan pagi hari sebelum berakftivitas, setiap 2 hari sekali.

2.Mengatasi rambut rontok

Buat seduhan teh hijau (bisa dari serbuk atau kantung) sebanyak satu cangkir, gunakan air mendidih agar seduhan cukup kuat. Biarkan sampai hangat, celupkan kapas kemudian oleskan ke kulit kepala yang sudah di bersihkan sambil ditekan-tekan agar teh bisa meresap. Lakukan pada seluruh bagian rambut, biarkan sampai mengering. Lakukan 2 hari sekali.

3.Melembabkan Kulit Berminyak

Ambil tepung beras sebanyak 4 sendok makan, tuangi dengan seduhan teh hijau yang sudah dingin. Aduk hingga berbentuk pasta dan bisa di oleskan, jika terlalu kental bisa di tambah tehnya. Oleskan keseluruh permukaan wajah, biarkan sampai mengering. Bilas dengan air hangat dan lanjutkan dengan air dingin. Lakukan seminggu sekali. Untuk perawatan sehari-hari, basuhakan air teh hijau dingin yang sudah dimasukan lemari pendingin ke wajah. Lakukan setiap hari setelah bangun tidur. 

4.Mendinginkan kulit terbakar

Buat seduhan teh hijau dalam mangkuk, biarkan dingin. Kemudian rendamkan kain halus kedalamnya, tempelkan pada bagian yang terbakar selama 15 menit atau rasa terbakar hilang. Ulangi beberapa kali hingga efek rasa terbakar benar-benar hilang.

5.Melegakan kaki dan mata lelah

Masukan 2 kantung teh hijau kedalam gelas, kemudian tuang kedalam baskom, tambahkan sedikit air hangat, aduk merata. Rendamkan kaki yang lelah selama 15 menit, angkat dan bersihkan.Sementara untuk mata lelah, tempelkan kantung teh yang sudah diseduh. Atau bisa juga tempelkan kapas yang sudah direndamkan pada air seduhan teh hijau. Biarkan selama 15 menit dan basuh dengan air dingin, lakukan setiap hari menjelang tidur.

November 10, 2011

Aloe Vera Acne Natural Medic

Aloe Vera Acne Natural Medic

Anti inflamasi from aloe vera can reduce acne dramatically. 
  1. Take fresh aloe vera leaf ,cut into some part.
  2. Peel off the aloe vera skin.
  3. Take the latex and apply to the acne area.
  4. Repeat the process (3) twice a day.
  5. If consistent ,acne will remove in three days. 
Besides, aloe vera leaf can also remove acne mark on face

Lemon Juice Acne Natural Medic

Lemon Juice Acne Natural Medic

Cure acne use lemon juice is many people like. This thing can eliminate oil excessive, kill bacteria and as detoxification agent. Lemon has citric acid which good to remove dead skin which causing acne. 
Simple way to do acne cure with lemon juice

  1. Squeeze from fresh lemon in little bowl.
  2. Apply cotton ball in to it.
  3. Rub your face with wet cotton ball ,let 10 – 15 minute
  4. Cleaning your face with warm water
  5. Repeat this process ( 1 ~ 4 ) before sleep, and you  can let it on your face all night.

Apply this therapy consistently in 15 days can make extraordinary result to your face.

November 06, 2011

Weight Control Tava Tea

Weight Control Tava Tea
Most people do not get enough exercise in their ordinary routines. All of the advances of modern  technology – from electric can openers to power steering – have made life easier, more comfortable and much less physically demanding. Yet our bodies need activity, especially if they are carrying around too much fat. Satisfying this need requires a definite plan, and a commitment.

Tava Tea is a 100% organic weight loss tea which has been developed to the highest possible manufacturing standards with the best quality ingredients. Tava Tea is proven to work and will help reduce both body fat and cholesterol levels.

One thing is certain.  There are two main ways to increase the number of calories you expend:
        1. Start a regular exercise program if you do not have one already.
        2. Increase the amount of physical activity in your daily routine.

The best way to control your weight is a combination of the above. The sum total of calories used over time will help regulate your weight as well as keep you physically fit.

Unlike most other weight loss tea’s Tava tastes great and arrives in high quality pyramid bags, Tava Tea is also proven to ease digestion, reducebloating and burns 2.5 times more calories than Green Tea.

Tava Tea comes with a full money back guarantee and unlike competitors does not offer a scammy free trial where you’re convinced to hand over your credit card and later find your being billed every month.

November 05, 2011

Health Benefits Green Tea

Health Benefits Green Tea 

There is some health benefits green tea which useful to human being, such as:

Lose weight
Experts vary, but the general consensus seems to be that 3 - 5 cups of green tea per day is optimal. Doing this can help you burn an extra 70 calories per day which amounts to 7 pounds per year. Pretty good for not exercising or cutting calories, right?

 Anti oxidant  
Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and reportedly contains the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Antioxidants are substances that scavenge free radicals -- damaging compounds in the body that alter cells, tamper with DNA (genetic material), and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body, but environmental toxins (including ultraviolet rays from the sun, radiation, cigarette smoke, and air pollution) also give rise to these damaging particles. Many scientists believe that free radicals contribute to the aging process as well as the development of a number of health problems, including cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants such as polyphenols in green tea can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.

Anti cancer 
 FDA prove that green tea can make slow growth for cancer. While other evidence shown lower risk for prostate and breast cancer

Benefits Green Tea

Benefits Green Tea

Many benefits green tea which can useful to human being, such as:  

Anti oxidant  
Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and reportedly contains the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Antioxidants are substances that scavenge free radicals -- damaging compounds in the body that alter cells, tamper with DNA (genetic material), and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body, but environmental toxins (including ultraviolet rays from the sun, radiation, cigarette smoke, and air pollution) also give rise to these damaging particles. Many scientists believe that free radicals contribute to the aging process as well as the development of a number of health problems, including cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants such as polyphenols in green tea can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.

Anti cancer 
 FDA prove that green tea can make slow growth for cancer. While other evidence shown lower risk for prostate and breast cancer

Lose weight
Experts vary, but the general consensus seems to be that 3 - 5 cups of green tea per day is optimal. Doing this can help you burn an extra 70 calories per day which amounts to 7 pounds per year. Pretty good for not exercising or cutting calories, right?

November 01, 2011

The Benefits Of Green Tea

The Benefits Of Green Tea

Many benefits of green tea ,beside it can reduce more oxidant inside our body. First of all, the main benefit of green tea is reducing cancer.

Here some benefits of green tea :
  1. Antioxidant
    Green tea can reduce high free radical material which can avoid our blood take oxygen properly.
  1. Anti cancer
    ECGG where inside green tea can easily reduce cancer inside our body. 
  1. Antibody
Green tea can make blood clean from oxidant which come from outside our body (through nose when breathing like CO, CO2 ). Blood can make full resistance of virus or diseases if blood clean and properly deliver oxygen to our body.

Green Tea Benefit ,Power Up

Green Tea Benefit

Green tea has important benefit to human : 

Anti cancer 
Green tea has ECGG to reduce even eliminate cancer inside our body.   


Fat burner 
Reducing fat has been proof by green tea. Many health companies use the extract of green tea to make some lose weight medicine.  

Green tea can reduce high free radical material which can avoid our blood take oxygen properly. Even the highly dangerous material like CO (material which can’t to smell, fell, see).